Normal english vs Talyer Swift's

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上が Normal english で下が Talyer Swift の歌詞?かな。

Normal english vs Talyer Swift's

I broke your heart.
Your heart was glass, I dropped it.

You are attractive.
You should think about the censequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong.

I really like you.
You are the best thing that's ever been mine.

You are not sorry at all.
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes, you say sorry just for show.

Life is hard.
Life is emotionally abusive.

We misunderstood each other.
We got lost in translation.

You destroyed everything.
You tore it all up.

I am bad but pretending to be good.
I am a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

Iknow you very well.
I can read you like a magazine.

I don't care!!
I am just gonna shake it off.

I am still attractive.
I am still bejeweled.