キク英文法 Chapter 5, Day12, Day13 形容詞

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Day 12
It was (sensible) of her to have decides not to join the plot.

sensible 分別のある
sensitive 敏感な
sensual 官能的な
sensory 感覚の


(The → A) number of battles were fought between the armies of England and France.

The number of A Aの数
A number of A 多くのA、複数を表すので動詞は複数形で受ける。

Day 13
There are (few) topics that we would like to discuss today.
a few いくつかある
few ほとんどない

She made almost no mistakes on the exam.
She made (very few) mistakes on the exam.
almost no = very few

You can catch (any) of these buses. They all go downtown.
all があるので、どのバスでもダウンタウンに行くという意味になる