キク英文法4周目 Chapter 11, Day31, Day32, Exercise, 受動態

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Rule 136
to不定詞の受動態はto be done、動名詞の受動態はbeing doneで表される。
I don't like to be treated like a kid.
I hate being laught at.

Rule 142


The fans were excited at the announcement of the band's reunion tour.
The fans were excited about the announcement of the band's reunion tour.

はい、この2つの文はほぼ同じ意味です。ただし、「at」は「about」よりも感情や興奮の強調を意味する場合があります。したがって、「The fans were excited at the announcement of the band's reunion tour.」の方が、「The fans were excited about the announcement of the band's reunion tour.」よりも、より強い興奮を表現していると解釈することができます。ただし、この違いは非常に微妙で、一般的には両方の表現がほぼ同じ意味として使用されます。

The kids were excited about the new playground equipment at the park.
The fans were excited at the announcement of the band's reunion tour.
I am confused about which train to take to get to the airport.

Sarah was disappointed at her test results.
Emily was disappointed about missing the party.
Jack was disappointed with the quality of the product he bought.

これらの前置詞は、失望の対象に応じて使い分けられます。"be disappointed at" は、具体的な出来事やニュースに対する失望を表します。"be disappointed about" は、物事全般に対する失望を表します。"be disappointed with" は、特定の人や物に対しての失望を表します。ただし、これらの前置詞は多少曖昧で、より一般的な意味で交換可能です。

She's always been interested in art and design.
She was satisfied with her performance in the competition.
He is scared of dogs after being bitten as a child.
We were all surprised at the news of his resignation.

He was upset about the cancellation of the concert.
She was upset over her daughter's failing grades.

「be upset about」や「be upset over」は、どちらも「~に動揺する」という意味を持つフレーズですが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。

「be upset about」は、何かに対して不満や不快感を感じたり、心配したりするときに使います。「about」は、「~について」という意味を持ち、原因や理由にフォーカスしている印象があります。
例:I'm really upset about losing my wallet.

一方、「be upset over」は、何かが原因で悲しみや不安を感じたり、感情的に動揺しているときに使います。「over」は、「~に関して」という意味を持ち、感情的な反応を表しています。
例:She was very upset over the news of her friend's death.

He was completely absorbed in his work and didn't hear the phone ringing.
The hiker was caught in a snowstorm and had to take shelter in a cave.
The ground was covered with snow after the blizzard.
He is known to be a very talented musician.

Day 31
The students were (compelled) to cancel their travel plans owing to the accident.

compelled 強(し)いる、無理にさせる、強いてとらせる、強要する
engaged (...に)従事して、携わって、忙しくして、予定があって、婚約中の
enrolled 氏名を名簿に載せる、 会員にする
stranded 座礁させる、立ち往生させる、行き詰まらせる
compel A to do、 Aにムリにさせるの受動態は、be compelled to do ~せざるを得ない、となる。

Day 32
It is reported that a European telecommunications company is very (interesting → interested) in buying a Japanese company in the near future.

be interested in Aで、Aに興味を持っているという意味。このかたち自体は覚えていたので、単純に interested と見間違えた。

I was totally (absorbed by → absorbed in) the TV show when my mother said, "Eat your dinner before it gets cold."

The portrait of the president was (hung) in the conference room.

hang これを選んだ
hang (掛ける、吊るす)は、hang-hung-hung

Man's life is often (likened) to a voyage.

liked これを選んだ
liken A to B で、AをBに例えるという意味

like とは別の単語なんだけど、選択肢に一緒に並んでいると、過去形とか過去完了にありそうな形と思いがち。